Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Feminist in Action in The Yellow Wallpaper - 1779 Words

The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, depicts a woman in isolation, struggling to cope with mental illness, which has been diagnosed by her husband, a physician. Going beyond this surface level, the reader sees the narrator as a developing feminist, struggling with the societal values of the time. As a woman writer in the late nineteenth century, Gilman herself felt the adverse effects of the male-centric society, and consequently, placed many allusions to her own personal struggles as a feminist in her writing. Throughout the story, the narrator undergoes a psychological journey that correlates with the advancement of her mental condition. The restrictions which society places on her as a woman have a worsening†¦show more content†¦This attitude that the narrator possesses is demonstrated throughout the story by her refusal to confront her husband. Although she frequently disagrees with his prescription for treating her illness, she never openly questions his skills as a physician. She writes in her journal, Personally I disagree with [his] ideas...but what is one to do? (Gilman 577). This quotation epitomizes the inability of women in previous centuries to express their thoughts and feelings. The inability of the narrator to communicate her wishes and feelings is a recurring theme in the story. The lack of expression that the woman displays plays a key role in the worsening of her illness. The narrator tells her husband that she feels uneasy in the house, but his response is that her uneasiness is the result of a draught, and he will shut the window. In another instance, the narrator expresses her dissatisfaction with the yellow wallpaper, and all her husband can respond is, You know the place is doing you good... (Gilman 579). This response from the husband contributes to the building psychosis of the narrator. The woman does what she can to make her husband see her problems, but in the end this effort is in vain because he believes, as a physician, he knows what is best for her. As a result of this fact, the woman struggles to cope with her everyday life, which in actuality is leading herShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman And The Novel The Key By Junichiro Tanizaki1694 Words   |  7 Pageseyes of women, would we see the world a different way? Would we all be considered hysterical? Or would we just all be â€Å"normal†? In the short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins-Gilman and the novel The Key by Junichiro Tanizaki we see the metamorphosis of two women under two very different scenarios. The unnamed woman in The Yellow Wallpaper is stuck in a room where she transforms into a completely different soul. 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Interestingly, Charlotte Perkins Gilman never intended the latter. The primary intent of her short story is to criticize of a physician prescribed treatment called rest cure. The treatment, which she underwent, required female patients to â€Å"’live as domestic a life as possible’† (Gilman)Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1547 Words   |  7 PagesCharlotte Perkins Gilman s career as a leading feminists and social activist translated into her writing as did her personal life. Gilman s treatment for her severe depression and feelings of confinement in her marriage were paralleled by the narrator in her shorty story, The Yellow Wallpaper. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. Her parents, Mary Fitch Perkins and Fredrick Beecher Perkins, divorced in 1869. Her dad, a distinguished librarian and magazine editorRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman699 Words   |  3 PagesCharlotte Perkins Gilman (July 3, 1860- August 17, 1935) was a feminist, sociologist, novelist, and writer. She started off selling soap bars door to door. She then moved to Pasadena and became part of the social reform movement. In 1896, she represented California as a delegate at the Suffrage Convention in Washington, D.C. and the International Socialist and Labor Congress in England. In 1890, Nationalism was introduced to Gilman. Her poem, â€Å"Similar Cases†, was published the Nationalist magazineRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman871 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1892, a short story by the name of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a well-known author and feminist of the late 19th century. The story was initially inspired by her personal experiences and the actions that followed after. 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